Adult Ministries
Adult Bible Fellowship:
Join us at 9:30am
every Sunday before our service
to get to know others and dig
deep into the Word.
Who: Anyone
Leader: Mark Williams
Where: Galilee Conference Room
When: 9:30 Sunday mornings
Men’s Fellowship:
Join the men as they share
physical and spiritual food with
a time of fellowship and
discussion. Topics vary
throughout the year.
Who: Men of all ages
Where: Galilee Conference Room
When: 4th Thursday Monthly
“Philippians for You”: A study in the book of Philippians by Steven J. Lawson.
Who: Women
Leader: Lynn Sarver
where: Galilee Conference Room
When: 4:30-6pm, bi-weekly starting May 22nd
Men’s Bible Study:
Join a great group of guys as they
Study Colossians together each
Tuesday morning.
Who: Men
Where: Gorham Burger King
When: Tuesdays, 8am
Leader: Mark Williams
Prayer Group:
Prayer is an essential part of our
Christian walk. Join us as we
pray together for our church,
our families, and the
Gorham community.
Who: Anyone
Where: Galilee Conference Room
When: Tuesdays beginning September 10th, 6:30pm
Leader: Mark & Ann Farrington
“GriefShare” is a 13-week series to help those grieving the loss of a loved one.
Contact Sharon Hoyt at 207-651-4993 for information on our next group.
Please also find additional information at
Who: Anyone
Leader: Sharon Hoyt
Where: Galilee Conference Room
When: September 6 – November 29, 2-4pm
Who: Anyone
Leader: Maury Fryer
When: twice monthly
Please contact the church office for specific details. – 207.839.6985